Secular Review of Christian Principle

Opinion From The Editor - Higher Education and Atheism's Demise (?) 1/21/09
The source of much of the opposition to the Christian Faith here, in America, is the college campus. Without a heavy population in these secular institutions, the Evangelists for Secularism, men such as Bart Ehrman, would have very little influence and the trend towards agnosticism would be slowed.
So you will pardon me for not getting concerned about the financial problems facing the halls of "higher education." Are we against higher learning. Of course not. But many, if not most, of the hundreds of thousands of professions in this country could be taught at the vocational level rather than in academia --- academia has proven itself to be the enemy of conservative family values and beliefs not to mention free and open debate of the issues, whatever they might be at the time. They have proven themselves to be opposed to the advancement of a free and open society.
I recently had a discussion with Bart Ehrman, a committed atheist who pretends to be the "Happy Agnostic," whose mission is the destruction of faith in anything religious, especially anything Christian. He was a Baptist minister but was never able to move beyond a forensic consideration of the biblical message or a forensic examination of the sacred text. Ironically, almost humorously, this leading atheist is the Chair of the Religious Studies Department at the U of North Carolina. And because he failed in matters of faith, he thinks he is right !! Go figure.
My youngest daughter, a tower of strength to anyone who knows her and her wonderful [yikes ! I am giving praise to a son-in-law] husband (they lost their youngest child at age 6 months and credit the power of God and their faith in Christ for their healing) have grown into grand witnesses for the Lord, in part, because of their recent loss. Men such as Bart Ehrman, existential philosophers all, really have nothing to say to this circumstance except "Hey, that's life kid. Buck up. Eat , drink and be Mary, for tomorrow you may be the one who dies." (and you think I misspelled "mary?" Think again Steve).
At one of the local JCs, my daughter, Nancy, took a course in religious studies. Her text was Eight Theories of Religion. It was written by such notable theologians as the founder of communism, Karl Marx and the admitted atheist, Sigmund Freud. These were the men used to discuss religion - men who have no personal knowledge (as we count knowledge) of religion save their own angst against same. Men with an ax to grind teaching YOUR young people about religion.
Think you might want to do something about that ??? Huh ??

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